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- /*
- ** $VER: graphics3Df_t.c 10.01 (01.11.97)
- **
- ** External functions for graphics3D.library
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 97 Patrizio Biancalani
- ** All Rights Reserved.
- **
- ** Note: this code is traslate from the blitzbasic 3d graphics engine
- ** V 0.9 of Maciej R. Gorny.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <graphics/rastport.h>
- #include <graphics/clip.h>
- #include <graphics/regions.h>
- #include <graphics/gfx.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
- #include <graphics/layers.h>
- #include "graphics3Dc.h"
- #include "graphics3D.h"
- #include "graphics3Df_proto.h"
- #include "graphics3D2d_proto.h"
- /* Please note, that &PovedtBase always resides in register __a6 as well,
- but if we don't need it, we need not reference it here.
- Also note, that registers a0, a1, d0, d1 always are scratch registers,
- so you usually should only *pass* parameters there, but make a copy
- directly after entering the function. To avoid problems of kind
- "implementation defined behaviour", you should make a copy of A6 too,
- when it is actually used.
- In this example case, scratch register saving would not have been
- necessary (since there are no other function calls inbetween), but we
- did it nevertheless.
- */
- extern void createworldtocamera(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void recalcobj(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern long int t_removeobject(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void localtoworld(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void worldtocamera(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void removebackfacesandshade(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void clipobject3d(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void generatepolylist(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern struct objectnode *resetobj(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern struct objectnode *nextobj(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern struct objectnode *pobj(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void aggobj(struct ambient3d *in);
- extern void matidentity4x4(struct matrix4x4 *imatrix);
- extern void matzero4x4(struct matrix4x4 imatrix);
- extern void matcopy4x4(struct matrix4x4 *s_m,struct matrix4x4 *d_m);
- extern void matmult4x4(struct matrix4x4 *a,struct matrix4x4 *b,
- struct matrix4x4 *r);
- extern void matmult4x4s(struct matrix4x4 *a,struct matrix4x4 *b,
- struct matrix4x4 *r);
- extern void matmult1x4s(struct matrix1x4 *a,struct matrix4x4 *b,
- struct matrix1x4 *r);
- extern void makevector3d(struct vertex *a,struct vertex *b,
- struct vector *result);
- extern long int vectormag3d(struct vector *a);
- /**********************************************************/
- /****************************************************
- ** Routin per la gestione della grafica, in stile **
- ** 2.0 **
- ** (c) 1994 BIANCA HARD&SOFT Vers:1.00 **
- ****************************************************/
- /************ FUNZIONI 3D (trasformazioni oggetti) **********************/
- /************************************************
- ** sposta origine oggetto attuale. **
- ************************************************
- *** INPUT : *
- * in -> valore > 0 restituito da display3d. *
- * dx -> valore spostamento su asse x *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- * dy -> valore spostamento su asse y *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- * dz -> valore spostamento su asse z *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- *** OUTPUT: *
- * nessuno. *
- ************************************************/
- void GD_translateobject(in,dx,dy,dz)
- REG(a0)struct ambient3d *in;
- REG(d0)long int dx;
- REG(d1)long int dy;
- REG(d2)long int dz;
- {
- struct objectnode *obj;
- obj=pobj(in);
- obj->worldposx+=dx;
- obj->worldposy+=dy;
- obj->worldposz+=dz;
- obj->trasf |= 0x02;
- }
- /************************************************
- ** posiziona oggetto attuale in modo assoluto.**
- ************************************************
- *** INPUT : *
- * in -> valore > 0 restituito da display3d. *
- * dx -> valore posizione su asse x *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- * dy -> valore posizione su asse y *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- * dz -> valore posizione su asse z *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- *** OUTPUT: *
- * nessuno. *
- ************************************************/
- void GD_positionobject(in,x,y,z)
- REG(a0)struct ambient3d *in;
- REG(d0)long int x;
- REG(d1)long int y;
- REG(d2)long int z;
- {
- struct objectnode *obj;
- obj=pobj(in);
- obj->worldposx=x;
- obj->worldposy=y;
- obj->worldposz=z;
- obj->trasf |= 0x02;
- }
- /************************************************
- ** riscala oggetto attuale sui tre assi. **
- ** Lavora SEMPRE sulle coordinate iniziali, **
- ** quindi occorre cumulare le eventuali varia-**
- ** zioni di scala all'esterno di questa routin**
- ************************************************
- *** INPUT : *
- * in -> valore > 0 restituito da display3d. *
- * xscale_fact -> valore riscalatura su asse x *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- * yscale_fact -> valore riscalatura su asse y *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- * zscale_fact -> valore riscalatura su asse z *
- * (valore in FIXPOINT). *
- *** OUTPUT: *
- * nessuno. *
- ************************************************/
- void GD_scaleobject(in,xscale_fact,yscale_fact,zscale_fact)
- REG(a0)struct ambient3d *in;
- REG(d0)long int xscale_fact;
- REG(d1)long int yscale_fact;
- REG(d2)long int zscale_fact;
- {
- struct objectnode *obj;
- struct vertex *vl,*vo;
- long int curr_vertex;
- obj=pobj(in);
- vo=obj->vlocal;
- vl=obj->vorig;
- if (xscale_fact==FIXV AND yscale_fact==FIXV AND zscale_fact==FIXV) return(0);
- if (obj->trasf&0x01!=NULL) vl=obj->vlocal;
- for(curr_vertex=0 ; curr_vertex<obj->numverts ; curr_vertex++)
- {
- vo[curr_vertex].x=(vl[curr_vertex].x*xscale_fact) >> SFIXV;
- vo[curr_vertex].y=(vl[curr_vertex].y*yscale_fact) >> SFIXV;
- vo[curr_vertex].z=(vl[curr_vertex].z*zscale_fact) >> SFIXV;
- }
- obj->trasf |= 0x01;
- }
- /************************************************
- ** ruota oggetto attuale sui tre assi . **
- ** Lavora SEMPRE sulle coordinate iniziali, **
- ** quindi occorre cumulare le eventuali varia-**
- ** zioni di rot. all'esterno di questa routin **
- ************************************************
- *** INPUT : *
- * in -> valore > 0 restituito da display3d. *
- * angle_x -> valore rotazione su asse x. *
- * (in gradi INTERO) *
- * angle_y -> valore rotazione su asse y. *
- * (in gradi INTERO) *
- * angle_z -> valore rotazione su asse z. *
- * (in gradi INTERO) *
- *** OUTPUT: *
- * nessuno. *
- ************************************************/
- void GD_rotateobject(in,angle_x,angle_y,angle_z)
- REG(a0)struct ambient3d *in;
- REG(d0)long int angle_x;
- REG(d1)long int angle_y;
- REG(d2)long int angle_z;
- {
- struct objectnode *obj;
- struct vertex *vo,*vl;
- long int *sin,*cos;
- long int i,product;
- struct matrix4x4 rotate_x;
- struct matrix4x4 rotate_y;
- struct matrix4x4 rotate_z;
- struct matrix4x4 rot;
- struct matrix4x4 temp;
- obj=pobj(in);
- vo=obj->vlocal;
- vl=obj->vorig;
- if (obj->trasf&0x01 != NULL) vl=obj->vlocal;
- sin=in->sintable;
- cos=in->costable;
- product=0;
- matidentity4x4(&rot);
- if (angle_x<0 OR angle_x>360)
- {
- angle_x-=(angle_x/360)*360;
- if (angle_x<0) angle_x+=360;
- }
- if (angle_y<0 OR angle_y>360)
- {
- angle_y-=(angle_y/360)*360;
- if (angle_y<0) angle_y+=360;
- }
- if (angle_z<0 OR angle_z>360)
- {
- angle_z-=(angle_z/360)*360;
- if (angle_z<0) angle_z+=360;
- }
- if (angle_x!=0 AND angle_x!=360) product+=4;
- if (angle_y!=0 AND angle_y!=360) product+=2;
- if (angle_z!=0 AND angle_z!=360) product+=1;
- switch (product)
- {
- case(1):
- rot.r0c0=cos[angle_z];
- rot.r0c1=sin[angle_z];
- rot.r1c0=-sin[angle_z];
- rot.r1c1=cos[angle_z];
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].x=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c0+vl[i].y*rot.r1c0) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].y=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c1+vl[i].y*rot.r1c1) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=vl[i].z;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- case(2):
- rot.r0c0=cos[angle_y];
- rot.r0c2=-sin[angle_y];
- rot.r2c0=sin[angle_y];
- rot.r2c2=cos[angle_y];
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].x=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c0+vl[i].z*rot.r2c0) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c2+vl[i].z*rot.r2c2) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].y=vl[i].y;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- case(3):
- rot.r0c0=(cos[angle_y]*cos[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r0c1=(cos[angle_y]*sin[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r0c2=-sin[angle_y];
- rot.r1c0=-sin[angle_z];
- rot.r1c1=cos[angle_z];
- rot.r2c0=(sin[angle_y]*cos[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r2c1=(sin[angle_y]*sin[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r2c2=cos[angle_y];
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].x=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c0 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c0 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c0) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].y=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c1 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c1 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c1) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c2+vl[i].z*rot.r2c2) >> SFIXV;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- case(4):
- rot.r1c1=cos[angle_x];
- rot.r1c2=sin[angle_x];
- rot.r2c1=-sin[angle_x];
- rot.r2c2=cos[angle_x];
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].y=(vl[i].y*rot.r1c1+vl[i].z*rot.r2c1) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=(vl[i].y*rot.r1c2+vl[i].z*rot.r2c2) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].x=vl[i].x;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- case(5):
- rot.r0c0=cos[angle_z];
- rot.r0c1=sin[angle_z];
- rot.r1c0=(-cos[angle_x]*sin[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r1c1=(cos[angle_x]*cos[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r1c2=sin[angle_x];
- rot.r2c0=(sin[angle_x]*sin[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r2c1=(-sin[angle_x]*cos[angle_z]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r2c2=cos[angle_x];
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].x=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c0 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c0 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c0) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].y=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c1 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c1 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c1) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=(vl[i].y*rot.r1c2+vl[i].z*rot.r2c2) >> SFIXV;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- case(6):
- rot.r0c0=cos[angle_y];
- rot.r0c2=-sin[angle_y];
- rot.r1c0=(sin[angle_x]*sin[angle_y]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r1c1=cos[angle_x];
- rot.r1c2=(sin[angle_x]*cos[angle_y]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r2c0=(cos[angle_x]*sin[angle_y]) >> SFIXV;
- rot.r2c1=-sin[angle_x];
- rot.r2c2=(cos[angle_x]*cos[angle_y]) >> SFIXV;
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].x=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c0 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c0+
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c0) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].y=(vl[i].y*rot.r1c1+vl[i].z*rot.r2c1) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c2 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c2 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c2) >> SFIXV;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- case(7):
- matidentity4x4(&rotate_x);
- rotate_x.r1c1=cos[angle_x];
- rotate_x.r1c2=sin[angle_x];
- rotate_x.r2c1=-sin[angle_x];
- rotate_x.r2c2=cos[angle_x];
- matidentity4x4(&rotate_y);
- rotate_y.r0c0=cos[angle_y];
- rotate_y.r0c2=-sin[angle_y];
- rotate_y.r2c0=sin[angle_y];
- rotate_y.r2c2=cos[angle_y];
- matidentity4x4(&rotate_z);
- rotate_z.r0c0=cos[angle_z];
- rotate_z.r0c1=sin[angle_z];
- rotate_z.r1c0=-sin[angle_z];
- rotate_z.r1c1=cos[angle_z];
- matmult4x4s(&rotate_x,&rotate_y,&temp);
- matmult4x4s(&temp,&rotate_z,&rot);
- for(i=0 ; i<obj->numverts ; i++)
- {
- vo[i].x=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c0 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c0 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c0) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].y=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c1 + vl[i].y*rot.r1c1 +
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c1) >> SFIXV;
- vo[i].z=(vl[i].x*rot.r0c2+vl[i].y*rot.r1c2+
- vl[i].z*rot.r2c2) >> SFIXV;
- }
- obj->trasf|=0x01;
- break;
- }
- }
- /********************* fine *************************/